Pro Coach Driving School Blog Best and Worst Places to Take a Driving Test

Best and Worst Places to Take a Driving Test

the driving test

Pro Coach Driving School is an East Sussex based Driving School.

We are located between Eastbourne and Hastings, at Bexhill on Sea.

On a personal note, we don’t think that taking a driving test is ” easier” in any particular location.

The disparity is the figures could well be due to other factors, such as demographics.

At present the national average first time pass rate is around 48%, which is approaching the pre-Covid level.

The Driving Test system is in somewhat of a mess currently and its’ not going to get better anytime soon.


Well, unfortunately it’s a combination of factors, which to some degree appear to be unsurmountable.

There is currently a backlog of 500,000 awaiting tests, and the average wait is over 6 months!

DVSA has attempted to prevent those that are not at the standard to pass, from booking valuation test space.

” Having a go” is basically frowned upon and has consequences.

They have adopted a two prong approach here.

Firstly DVSA has tried to bring ADIs in line, by analysing their test data and adopting a system that triggers an ADIs Standards Test. The triggers are information, such as the average number of serious or dangerous faults or average driver faults, over a 12 month period.

So, if an ADI allows a leaner to book a test and use the school car, he or she is setting themselves up for a fall.

Secondly, there are plans to extend the re-booking waiting time waiting period from 10 to 28 days, following a test failure.

DVSA are serious about discouraging learners from booking driving tests, unless their Driving Instructor says that they are ready.

It seeks to inform a learner driver of when they should be in a position to book a driving test:


1. You do not need prompts from your driving instructor.
2. You do not make serious or dangerous mistakes when you’re driving.
3. You can pass mock driving tests.
4. You have practised ways of managing your nerves.
5. Your driving instructor agrees you’re ready.
Effectively the learner driver needs to be sure that all of the questions posed above can be answered in the positive and its for the ADI to agree.